
Apa Itu DNS Rebinding: Memahami Serangan Mengecoh dan Melindungi Diri Anda DNS Rebinding adalah salah satu teknik serangan siber yang dapat merusak keamanan dan privasi perangkat dan jaringan. Teknik ini dapat digunakan oleh peretas untuk mengecoh perangkat yang terhubung ke internet dan mendapatkan akses yang tidak sah ke informasi sensitif. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mempelajari secara mendalam apa itu DNS Rebinding, bagaimana cara kerjanya, mengapa ini menjadi ancaman, dan... Read more | Share it now!

World Water Day 2021

Today is World Water Day 💧 In this context, we asked our students: “What does water mean to you?” and compiled their answers in this picture. “Water is life to me” was the most popular one 🙂 Water gives life to us and numerous other creatures, undoubtfully. So we need to protect it as much as possible for our survival and the balance of nature. 🌱 We wish and hope this second time that we celebrate World Water Day during corona virus pandemic to be the last... Read more | Share it now!

Virtual Meeting on 7th January, 2021

On 7th January evening, we met with our project partners on Zoom platform again. It was Turkish team’s turn for presentations. We talked about İstanbul and water relationship in history and now. We also talked about Day Zero. It means having only 25 liters per person per day. You can not get more. Note: Normally, we consume about 190liters of water in a day per person in Istanbul. Our students İpek and Mücahit experienced Day Zero for a whole day and recorded it. It was a big... Read more | Share it now!

On 7th January evening, we met with our project partners on Zoom platform again. It was Turkish team’s turn for presentations. We talked about İstanbul and water relationship in history and now. We also talked about Day Zero. It means having only 25 liters per person per day. You can not get more. Note: Normally, we consume about 190liters of water in a day per person in Istanbul. Our students İpek and Mücahit experienced Day Zero for a whole day and recorded it. It was a big... Read more | Share it now!